What is Full Contact Engineering (FCE)
Full Contact Engineering is an initiative dedicated to inspiring Makers from all walks of life. Through engaging booths at major community events, I showcase interactive, educational, and, most importantly, fun projects developed over years of hands-on tinkering. To date, the FCE booth has been featured at OpenSauce 2024, Rocklin Mini Maker Faire 2024, and Maker Faire Bay Area 2024, where it earned the Editor’s Choice Award. These events have introduced thousands of people worldwide to some of my proudest creations, with the hope of sparking their passion to pursue their own amazing ideas.
The term "Full Contact" comes from the super hands-on and involved process that goes into the various projects at the booth. From artistic visuals with neopixel leds, to 15lb steel combat robots, the FCE booth embodies the idea of hands-on, or full-contact engineering.
Interactive Fun
The Full contact Engineering booth allows guests of events to explore and learn many things from my projects, while also interacting with them in new and fun ways. Hundreds of people got to try out the LED Guitar during OpenSauce 2024, and found it fun and engaging.